Update 1.0.3 - Re-Armed!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30695457/3c95d6aa8765d1f99cf18ff142b8bba40c20e939.png[/img] Hello runners! We're bringing you a new update with some new fixes, tweaks, and upgrades to make your runs faster and the gameplay experience that much more fun! Let's get cooking! What's on the menu today: -Character rebalance and updates - we changed the stats on some characters and fine-tuned some of their abilities -Added Mojo buckets to vehicle events to make them more interesting and give you the chance to get even more Mojo -Hardcore mode is unlocked for all the characters once you finish a loop with any character -New mojo collection effect -Fixed achievements - the issues with the achievements have been fixed, especially "Winter is coming" -Improved game save - it won't reset now when the game is started from another PC -Jackslayer achievement now unlocks the character Bullet -Backhand achievement now unlocks the Gravity Gun weapon -Trasher achievement now unlocks the Orbital Strike weapon -Dumpster Dave location moved to Molty Python level -Added tooltips to locked curses -Added tooltips to projectiles -Added tutorials for new players -New loading screens with hints -UghZan and UghZanTank have been made easier for normal mode -New night and day lights on environments -Added more training balls to the lobby -Lava Golem curse now locks-in before shooting -Added character stats Have fun with the update. And don't forget to join us on [url=https://discord.gg/ihrb]Discord[/url]!