UPDATE 14TH SEPTEMBER: I've just head back from developer Binx Interactive and the Nintendo Switch version of I Hate Running Backwards is apparently going through certification now, and should be ready in a matter of weeks.
ORIGINAL STORY 13TH SEPTEMBER: A transformational patch quietly rolled out yesterday for wrong-way-around shoot-'em-up I Hate Running Backwards, and it's now even better.
I've been playing the game for months with my son (Lava Golem still flattens us). I Hate Running Backwards is the game I tried to convince you could fill a Broforce-like hole when I wrote about it in May. It's a voxel-y, Serious Sam-y, couch-co-op-y romp. Yes arguably nothing can fill a Broforce hole (my son and me love it immeasurably) but IHRB isn't far off.