[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30695457/94965c069da7eb7485e44d68acd8ac9aa390374b.png[/img] We're proud to announce our first update! We looked at all the reviews we got for the game and wanted to address some of the issues that were frequently brought up. In addition to the updates listed here, we plan to add a lot of quality of life and ease of use features to the game in the near future! Update 1.0.1. Patch notes: -Baby mode gives you the opportunity to explore the game world and experience it at your own pace, giving you the opportunity to learn the basics of the game easier. -Increase of Ammo pickup spawn chances to give you all the firepower you can ever need! -Increased the size of colliders on the spider enemies to make them easier to hit. -Ultimate abilities now have a cool new tune when they charge up. -Humvee won't get stuck on buildings anymore. -Shortcuts now remain open after you leave the game to making easier to reach new environments when you fire up the game next time. -Shortcuts now glow making them easier to spot. -All curse altars are visible from the start but we put locks on the levers until you unlock them. -Added text when activating curses to make it clear when they have been activated. -A huge set of bug fixes tweaks and optimizations.