Hey everyone. We have been busy for the last few weeks as we were working on IHRB's third major update. There were many sleepless nights and nervous breakdowns involved in the process, but in the end, we managed to finish in time for the summer sale.
We love our game and want to make it better with each update, but we saw the same comments on each video or post we put up on the web: "The characters look like Minecraft". It was a simple argument that we couldn't dispute. We knew that it's not common for released games to change up the art style, and we knew that it would be a huge job but if the people wanted the change who are we to think that we know better?
A few arguments and meetings later we decided that we're going to do it! Our 3d modeler, Matko had a tremendous job to do. He had to remake most of the characters in the game and even add additional animations to make them more lifelike. We think he did a good job. Tell us what you think!
We also heard complaints that the game lacks weapon variety. At first, we weren't sure what the problem was. As we have a huge arsenal of special weapons in the game and each character starts with 2 primary weapons which are unique to the character.
We found that the main issue was the lack of player decision around builds. With special weapons, there wasn't enough impact on the moment to moment gameplay. Players would save them up for bosses or for tight situations and didn't use them in a pickup, shoot and throw away way as we intended.
Our answer was the weapon locker system. We introduced weapon locker that is placed in the lobby (start of the game) and at the beginning of each environment. Players can adjust their loadout in accordance with the perks they have. As the largest amount of experience is awarded after the bosses it made sense to put the weapon lockers directly after the bosses, that way the players can adjust their weapons to the perks they picked up.
To give the players even more options we introduced a new set of weapon focused perks.
The Stormchaser perk gives the player the option to fire his/her weapon while using the melee attack. This perk serves as a bridge between a melee focused build and a range focused build and gives the player more Mojo(exp) farming freedom.
The skewer is a perk that gives assault rifle weapons the ability to pierce through enemies. At first glance it looks like a damage boosting perk, well it is, but its primary focus is to slow down all the enemies that get hit by the piercing bullets to give you more time for fighting.
The Bomberman perk increases the radius of all weapon based explosion for the player, it's primary focus is to empower the newly added double and triple rocket launcher and velcro primary weapons, but it also empowers a lot of the special weapons.
We want to know what you think! Tell us what perks and weapons you want to see in future updates? Tell us what you think here or join us on [url=https://discord.gg/ihrb]Discord[/url]. We would love to hear what you think!