Dear gamers, family, friends, enemies, fans and their pets,
we are happy and proud to announce that [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/575820/I_Hate_Running_Backwards/]I Hate Running Backwards[/url] is now available on Steam (and some consoles)! :tgrin:
First of all, we have to extend our gratitude and appreciation to all our fans who were with us, enduring all our bugs and helping with honest feedback to make this game as good as possible! We can't mention all of you, but you know who you are. :tlove:
For all info on the game, please visit our [url=http://ihrb.wikia.com/wiki/I_Hate_Running_Backwards_Wiki]Official IHRB Wiki[/url] and for all praises, rants, hate, free hugs, random giveaways and general discussions, come to our [url=https://discord.gg/ihrb]IHRB Discord server[/url], we promise you won't regret it or at least live long enough to tell anyone about it! :csdsick:
We already prepared a [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/575820/guides/]bunch of useful guides[/url] on Steam so you can access them via Steam overlay while [strike]dying[/strike] playing. :thumbs:
Last thing we did is [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1391585831]Kill the Streamer[/url] game mode! So if you're streaming on Twitch, you have the opportunity to play AGAINST your audience (Streamers :vs: Watchers). They will get points for damaging and killing the streamer and frustrate him enough to consider leaving his streaming career in hilarious rage and go work as a waiter on Hawaii cause the pressure is just too high! ːsteammockingː
You can also connect with us and follow us on social networks to stay up to date with news and updates.
[url=http://ihrb.wikia.com/wiki/I_Hate_Running_Backwards_Wiki]Official Wiki[/url]
Not to make this too long, we think it's about damn time you start running backwards! Good luck and see you on Discord! ːsteamhappyː