UPDATE 0.96 - Spider Hordes! - The Death Spider Now Lays Eggs, Oh My!

Zaxterion: Space Frenzy!

You play as a young boy who dreams of being a famous astronaut who discovers alien worlds and life. One hot summer day, you fall asleep and into a terrifying dream made up of your worst childhood fears. Can you survive this nightmare of asteroids, space spiders, deadly skulls & more?

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42429636/9a08c7c306796ae1e43b8b222360301230236617.jpg[/img] Yes, you read it right! As if Zaxterion: Space Frenzy! didn't have enough threats to worry about, now you'll need to be wary of the spider lurking in his corner web. He's always been a threat if you got too close, but no longer can you just stay on the opposite side of the screen as if you do, he will slowly form an army of eggs in his web that he'll protect with protective webbing until eventually they will be unleashed! Once this happens, you'll be relentlessly swarmed and mercilessly attacked by the spider demons and have to fight for your life! To prevent this insane and deadly chaos from occurring, you'll need to attack the Death Spider before he has a chance to form and protect the eggs that can quickly accumulate and spell your doom! Here's a look at the new content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eakwe6F_lvI ..This is exciting new content and has been added in this update and is completely free! ----------------------- Other changes made in this update: * Gold nuggets now wrap around just like asteroids and all enemies and your own ship. Before this update, gold nuggets would disappear forever if they went off the screen. This means more gold is now available for you.. and that dreaded goblin too! * The prices have increased for most of the power-ups that can be purchased from the mother ship that visits at the top of the screen. This was to ensure that some of the strongest power-ups in the game cost more than more common power-ups. (Note: health costs have NOT increased in price) * The mother ship that visits you at the top of the screen and the brother ship that visits and the bottom of the screen now could visit you from either side. Before this update, the mother ship only came in from the left and the brother ship only came in on the right side of the screen. Now, both of these ships could visit you from either direction. * The Poggers DLC ship hasn't been changed mechanically at all, but shooting a skull no longer shows a "Pow! /Blam! / Zonk!" type of cartoon word. That kinda of old Batman TV show type of word now only shows up when you use your power bounce to smack a skull for damage rather than simply shooting it. ..I think that this fits my vision of what the Poggers ship and my old 2019 Poggers Steam game much better! * Some details of the mother ship have been enhanced to make it more visually appealing. ----------------------- Enjoy fighting the hordes of eight legged freaks! Sincerely, ZaxtorGameS .. (Solo Indie Game Developer)