Massive Two Week "Discovery Discount", Play & Review This Game Until Nov 21st!

Zaxterion: Space Frenzy!

You play as a young boy who dreams of being a famous astronaut who discovers alien worlds and life. One hot summer day, you fall asleep and into a terrifying dream made up of your worst childhood fears. Can you survive this nightmare of asteroids, space spiders, deadly skulls & more?

To help get my newest indie game "Zaxterion: Space Frenzy!" into peoples hands, I am offering a massive 70% discount all the way until November 21st! ..Keep in mind that this 70% discount is on top of the already discounted price drop from $6.99 USD to just $3.99 USD last week! All I ask that you review this game, especially if you enjoy it! I mean I welcome critical reviews as well, but please just let me know how this game could be a better experience for you and more fun if you do leave it a negative review. This game needs exposure people, and that's exactly why I'm doing this huge discount so soon after I just launched it. If you enjoy it, please let your friends and social media know all about it! Enjoy the game! Sincerely, ZaxtorGameS ... (Solo Indie Game Developer)