UPDATE 0.89 - More Ammo, More Danger, And Much More Coming Soon!

Zaxterion: Space Frenzy!

You play as a young boy who dreams of being a famous astronaut who discovers alien worlds and life. One hot summer day, you fall asleep and into a terrifying dream made up of your worst childhood fears. Can you survive this nightmare of asteroids, space spiders, deadly skulls & more?

Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing well and not stressing or over spending too much during the hectic Christmas season this year. This update brings a lot of changes that should increase the overall enjoyment you'll get when playing Zaxterion: Space Frenzy! ..Let's get started with the list of additions and changes as usual: ----------------------- - The amount of ammo sticks given to you by the game has been increased by about 225% which means that finding additional ammo when you run out or run low should be easier than ever before! - Because of the greatly increased ammo, the amount of gold and green health leaves dropped by asteroids has been reduced to help keep a healthy balance in the game. - A new "High Scores" button has been added to the screen so you can now take a look at the current high scores before playing a game. - You can simply left click your mouse while moving the cursor over "Press R to re-start" at the high scores screen to return to the Start screen. - The skulls have been changed so they will be better prepared for changes coming real soon where the goblin will be able to use the gold he steals from you to spawn more skulls, heal himself, cast walls of deadly fire on the screen, and so much more! You'll now never see more than one skull at a time with an explanation point over it meaning that it is looking to merge with another skull. The skull merging AI has been changed to always seek out the closest skull to it for faster merging and faster powering up! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42429636/927388c7782e69b531c83b7ae30003b8315e166b.jpg[/img] - The skull shots will now explode against all asteroids and blow off small specks of rock and dust when they impact an asteroid. - If a skull shot hits a smaller sized asteroid, that asteroid now has a good chance of changing to the direction of the skull shot that impacted it. When this happens, it will also increase in speed for a short time. - Gold chest and Rhodium chest costs have now been re-worked so that they are more in-line with a cost associated with the length of time you've been playing that single game. This does NOT mean that you'll always have enough good or rhodium to afford opening it, just that overall, the costs should be lower and more realistic than before. - Ricocheting off of the bad bird has been re-worked to prevent undesirable situations where you might have been caught under it's wings bouncing and taking damage many times in a row. - Two new sound effects have been added for the spiders attacks where the spider either shoots a web ball at you that traps you in a web when it hits you and its damage attack which damages your ship if it hits you. ----------------------- I think that's about it for this update, but HUGE updates are coming soon with new enemies and a complete overhaul to the Poggers ship as well! See you soon. Have FUN and stay safe out there! Sincerely, ZaxtorGameS ... (Solo Indie Game Developer)