UPDATE 0.85 - General Fixes & Balancing

Zaxterion: Space Frenzy!

You play as a young boy who dreams of being a famous astronaut who discovers alien worlds and life. One hot summer day, you fall asleep and into a terrifying dream made up of your worst childhood fears. Can you survive this nightmare of asteroids, space spiders, deadly skulls & more?

In this update, several small fixes and balances have been made to Zaxterion: Space Frenzy! - Fixed an issue that could cause you to spend the gold required to open a loot chest that was fading out, but the chest wouldn't deliver the loot before it faded out. - Fixed an issue that could cause the Transmulgifier to be offered by the Big Brother ship after you already own it. - Fixed an issue that could cause no Zaxterion gems to be offered on rare occasion after purchasing them with rhodium from the Big Brother ship. - Nerfed the firing speed of the Valorox ship from 5 shots per second to 3.75 shots per second. - Nerfed the armor strength of the "Protect Me Daddy!" shielding available from the Big Brother ship by about 30%. These shields made a ship just take too little damage once 5 or 6 shields were collected. - Fixed an issue that could cause the transmulgifier icon to show on the Big Daddy offer display even after the transmulgifier had been purchased and another offer was displayed. - Increased the size and brightness of every ships shots to make them more visible against the trail each shot leaves as it travels. - Fixed an issue that could cause the Halcyon ship to flash when damage was taken rather than displaying the correct damaged state. That's it for this update. Look for more Steam achievements and the new "Eye" enemy to come to Zaxterion in the coming weeks. ZaxtorGameS ..(Solo Indie Game Developer)