UPDATE 0.84 - Starting Ship "The Reliant" Overall Speed Reduced By 25% + More!

Zaxterion: Space Frenzy!

You play as a young boy who dreams of being a famous astronaut who discovers alien worlds and life. One hot summer day, you fall asleep and into a terrifying dream made up of your worst childhood fears. Can you survive this nightmare of asteroids, space spiders, deadly skulls & more?

This update was made entirely to help new players understand the game and have more control of the starting "Reliant" space ship.... - The lowest speed, the default speed, and the maximum speeds have all been reduced by just about 25% overall on the Reliant starting space ship. - When the game starts with the introduction, a game screen is now shown to give the player important information such as what the gold, rhodium, and Zaxterion resources are, and how they are obtained. It also shows the Mother Ship and the Big Brother ship and what they sell in exchange for gold and for rhodium respectively. - The intro screen cannot be skipped the very first time but afterwards, the same saves a variable in the settings so the introduction can be easily skipped whenever the game is launched in the future. Here's a look at that info screen that is now displayed on the introduction screen: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42429636/c56969777c54e7264d9a26eb365f1894292e18a8.jpg[/img] Okay, well that is all for this update... We'll see you in the next one, until then.. Happy Gaming! ZaxtorGameS ... ... {Solo Indie Game Developer)