1,000 FREE ZAXTERION!! - From ZaxtorGameS to YOU.. Just For Logging In!

Zaxterion: Space Frenzy!

You play as a young boy who dreams of being a famous astronaut who discovers alien worlds and life. One hot summer day, you fall asleep and into a terrifying dream made up of your worst childhood fears. Can you survive this nightmare of asteroids, space spiders, deadly skulls & more?

Hello everyone! I hope that you all are doing well out there! Just in time for the holidays, I am now giving away 1,000 free Zaxterion gems in this game just for playing and all you need to do to get yours is simply log in to Zaxterion: Space Frenzy! and hit the F5 key before you start a game! This should be enough gems to help you purchase two or perhaps even three brand new ships so that you can find one that best suits you and your play style! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Sincerely, ZaxtorGameS (Solo Indie Game Developer)