Update 0.1.2b

From Glory To Goo

From Glory To Goo is a Sci-Fi Survival RTS set on an alien world. Serve as humanity's bulwark by establishing a colony and supporting your colonists still in orbit. But beware, for The Goo, a relentless and shape-shifting force approaches from all sides, even above and below.

[h3]Update 0.1.2b [/h3] With 0.1.2 launched I've been taking the time to fix more of the bugs that have remained in the game. Thank you to everyone who has been reporting bugs on Discord, Steam forums or by emailing me. Let me know on Discord if you encounter any other bugs or just join to discuss the game with the community and offer suggestions. [b]Update Notes [/b] [list] [*] Fixed level 3 spaceship modules not always loading correctly [*] Fixed window mode not displaying the current setting in options when opened [*] Fixed biome upgrades not being impacted by cost reduction modifiers [*] Fixed thumper range not being consistent in all directions [*] Fixed more instances of tooltips staying on [*] Fixed neutral villages not removing suppressed/thumped areas when destroyed [*] Fixed a case where neutrals would walk through buildings [*] Fixed landmines not triggering neutrals [*] Fixed neutral relations not always scaling when aggressive [*] Fixed not being able to swap higher level guns to drop pods or gatling guns [*] Fixed some units spawning without sprites [*] Fixed the dropship cooldown being shorter than intended [*] Fixed autocannon shots coming from the center of the autocannon turret [*] Fixed tribe attack waves still moving if relations made them peaceful [*] Fixed land mines not triggering with neutrals [*] Fixed veteran flamers appearing as the liquifier [*] Fixed typos [*] Improved flapper healthbar visibility and selection radius [*] Added a tribe village destruction animation [*] Changed plasma tower fire sfx [/list]