From Glory To Goo is a Sci-Fi Survival RTS set on an alien world. Serve as humanity's bulwark by establishing a colony and supporting your colonists still in orbit. But beware, for The Goo, a relentless and shape-shifting force approaches from all sides, even above and below.
Hey Everyone,
Another small update that improves widescreen support, improves the stability of Endless games and fixes most of the remaining bugs introduced in 0.1.4.
Let me know on Discord if you have suggestions or find any bugs.
[*] Player units are now outlined by default (Can still be turned off in options)
[*] Fixed the default gui sizes for ultra wide monitors
[*] Fixed the sound system breaking on very long/late games
[*] Fixed the unit modding file not working correctly for laboratory units
[*] Some more small performance improvements if you have a large base or army
[*] Fixed the recycler stratagem not having an impact on load
[*] Fixed the Targeting Array not appearing for The Hacker
[*] Fixed blueprints sometimes not allowing rebuild for Lost Colony buildings
[*] Fixed the Flapper's attack animation
[*] Fixed and slightly rebalanced landmines so they lose health slower but deal slightly less damage to groups
[*] Fixed the Beam Tower's attack following units that move out of range
[*] Reworded the factory description text