From Glory To Goo is a Sci-Fi Survival RTS set on an alien world. Serve as humanity's bulwark by establishing a colony and supporting your colonists still in orbit. But beware, for The Goo, a relentless and shape-shifting force approaches from all sides, even above and below.
Hey Everyone,
Here's another update that fixes some bugs introduced in 0.1.3 and some others that have been around for a while. It also tweaks a few features. Most of these were fixed based off reports from the community on Discord and the Steam forums.
Steam Workshop integration with the map making tool is going well. I'm hoping to have something out for testing in October.
[*] Added some minimap tooltips
[*] Removed the ability to toggle power on bunkers and solar panels
[*] Map markers on Elysium Mons should now update immediately after an objective is destroyed.
[h3][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h3]
[*] Fixed Tribes not sending crystals and ore to the player when connected and not aggressive
[*] Fixed a long strip of crystals appearing near the starting position
[*] Fixed units appearing to be selected when leaving bunkers
[*] Fixed geysers on Seth 148 appearing on top of ore
[*] Fixed right click not cancelling beam and gatling paths correctly
[*] Fixed the Rocket Battery tooltip
[*] Fixed keybindings when buildings are selected
[*] Fixed flashing graphics glitch when sandstorms start
[*] Fixed a crash relating to upgraded Roboticist androids
[*] Fixed beam charge up sounds playing while paused
[*] Fixed beam placement lines momentarily appearing when placing a new beam path
[*] Fixed autosaves overwriting your spaceship configuration under specific circumstances
[*] Construction options will no longer appear on upgrading modules
[*] Fixed unexplored module text
[*] Fixed the power toggle appearing on moving towers
[*] Fixed demolished buildings giving back power/water they weren't actually using