From Glory To Goo is a Sci-Fi Survival RTS set on an alien world. Serve as humanity's bulwark by establishing a colony and supporting your colonists still in orbit. But beware, for The Goo, a relentless and shape-shifting force approaches from all sides, even above and below.
Update: This patch has now been released on the main branch. Read the full patch notes here.
Hey All,
Once again, thank you to everyone who has been giving feedback and reporting bugs across Discord, the Steam forum and reviews. Many people on Discord have already been helping me find bugs and improve balance in this update.
0.1.2 includes a lot of balance changes, additional units, perks and maps. The Laboratory is the core meta progression system of survival mode and it will continue to evolve based on feedback and future content updates.
If you would like to take part in the beta testing I recommend backing up your "gameStats" folder (within C:\Users%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Stratagem Blue\From Glory To Goo) so that you can roll back your biomass, stratagem and unit selections if required.
As always, feel free to provide feedback and report any bugs you come across on [url=]Discord[/url]. Some of these changes are experimental so they're very much subject to change.
To access the Beta right click on From Glory To Goo in your Steam library and then click Properties -> Betas, and select "testing - Beta Branch". Note that this version may be unstable and you don't have to try it yet. I'm aiming to release it next week.
[h3][b]The Laboratory[/b][/h3]
[*] The Laboratory introduces 10 new units and 25+ global perks (Stratagems) which can be unlocked by spending biomass or by completing specific maps.
[h3][b]New Human Units[/b][/h3]
These units are designed as alternatives to the core human units and not direct upgrades.
[*] Frost Trooper - Replaces Trooper - Shots slow enemy units, but has reduced damage
[*] Avenger - Replaces Reclaimed - Has increased melee damage and a small aoe attack. Reduced health
[*] Grenadier - Replaces Mortar Team - Fires a volley of 3 small grenades over a wider area.
[*] Liquifier - Replaces Flamer - Increased health and fires a poison cloud that reduces enemy armour.
[*] Electro Cyborg - Replaces Cyborg - Has a chain lightning attack that will bounce off multiple targets
[*] Support Drone - Replaces Skyranger - An unarmed drone that will heal/repair nearby units
[*] Railgun Walker - Replaces Walker - Has a slow firing railgun that will deal damage to all enemies in a line
[*] Viper - Replaces Tortoise - A mobile artillery gun that will fire a single shell long distances that on detonation will also slow enemies caught in its blast
[*] Zapper - Replaces Slipstream - A heavily armoured slow moving flyer that releases a massive charge of electricity directly below it
[*] Monolith replacement - TBA
[*] 25 stratagems are available to unlock and use. These provide boosts across any mission where you have them equipped. Unlock up to 3 slots to hold them.
[h3][b]New Maps[/b][/h3]
[*] Aegis Valley - A valley full of resources with only one chokepoint for hordes to enter. An RFI cruiser will also assist by automatically blasting units that attack you and sending in drop pods. It will progressively get more powerful with time.
[*] Anomaly Omega - Where have all the Goo gone? Race against the clock and build up on a map with no enemies above or below ground. One particularly powerful wave is on its way.
[h3][b]New Goo Units[/b][/h3]
[*] Mind Core - Temporarily increases the attack speed of nearby goo when it attacks
[*] Gunker - Can only target air units and your projectiles
[h3][b]Map System Changes[/b][/h3]
[*] Bonus alien biomass and stratagem rewards are now available upon completing each map for the first time on any difficulty.
[*] Added the ability to view and set the seed of procedurally generated maps and choose between the 6 "The Simulator" maps.
[h3][b]Anti Projectile Projectiles[/b][/h3]
This system enables certain units to target and shoot down projectiles. All projectiles have an avoidance chance. For example a Tortoise rocket will survive 10% of hits, a ship shell 50% and captain skills 100%. This is quite experimental and more units will be added that can interact with this system.
While this does give enemy hordes some ability to counter artillery in the late game. You can still overwhelm their air defence through sheer volume of fire, tactical aiming, your own air defence or other strategies.
[h3][b]New Building[/b][/h3]
[*] SAM Launcher - Can only target enemy air units and projectiles. Has extremely long range.
[*] Added player and enemy unit outline options including custom colours to improve readability
[*] Added a toggle to change unit attack priority between elite enemies (All units excluding, hoppers, thrashers and androids) or the closest enemy
[*] Your previously selected captain and ship will be remembered between games
[h3][b]Balance (Incomplete list and may change)[/b][/h3]
[*] Research now works on a percentage scale instead of a flat reduction. Each research point reduces time, cost and population requirements by 1%
[*] High activity events now also boost burrowing sensitivity. Burrowing sensitivity outside of high activity events has been reduced
[*] Reduced the rate that flyers and other elites spawn close to your landing point
[*] Slightly increased the number of environmental aliens overall
[*] The Tribes have left The Oasis
[*] Increased the health of many of the human units
[*] Increased Cyborg shotgun damage - 8 -> 12
[*] Gate health 350 -> 500
[*] Wall health 220 -> 250
[*] Sensor Array Power use 10 -> 7
[*] Sensor Array Vision 1.35 -> 1.65
[*] The Brain Commander will also increase the spawn rate of Mind Cores
[*] The Sludge Commander will not appear on explorer difficulty
[*] The Savant Captain is now unlocked at 130% score modifier to keep her in line with score modifier rebalancing
Bug Fixes (Some of these have been released in 0.1.1e)[/b][/h3]
[*] Fixed hydroformers breaking when near geysers
[*] Fixed units with low range not engaging if on patrol
[*] Fixed sound breaking and a drop in frame rate if a very larger amount of status effect particles spawn in a short span of time (fire, hit etc)
[*] Fixed "Construct" being visible when first opening the spaceship panel
[*] Fixed ore and isotopes spawning on water ruins
[*] Orbitors will no longer stay overlapped on each other
[*] The tribal placement warning will now only display on click
[*] Fixed some instances of the tooltip panel staying on
[*] Fixed factories holding 11 instead of 10 resources
[*] Fixed settings not saving if window is closed with Escape
[*] Fixed the saw orbitor restoring health
[*] Removed red squares underneath the map
[*] Alien colonies are now removed from the minimap when destroyed
In 0.1.3 I'm planning to focus on adding another captain and more spaceships/modules as well as additional balancing and polishing of everything that has been added so far.
Then the focus will be on 0.2 which will add a new faction along with associated captains, units, buildings, mechanics and more!