From Glory To Goo is a Sci-Fi Survival RTS set on an alien world. Serve as humanity's bulwark by establishing a colony and supporting your colonists still in orbit. But beware, for The Goo, a relentless and shape-shifting force approaches from all sides, even above and below.
Hey Everyone,
Here's another fairly large bugfix update that also restores lost colonists on some maps and seeks to reduce the overall impact of Tribes on colony expansion.
Thanks to everyone who continues to report bugs and help out on the testing branch and Discord.
As always let me know if you encounter any more bugs or have suggestions.
[*] Restored The Lost Colonist map mechanic on The Simulator, Oasis and Caelus Region.
[*] Reduced the number of tribe camps that will spawn, slightly increased their minimum spawn distance and tribe size now scales with distance
[*] Stopped RFI on Aegis valley angering tribes when firing
[*] The Tunneler is now targetable if on rocky terrain
[*] Game speed is now remembered when toggling pause
[*] Changed where tooltips appear for some buttons. This will also fix tooltips disappearing for widescreen setups.
[*] Various typo corrections and reworded tooltips
[h3][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/h3]
[*] Fixed some units and the SAM not using workers
[*] Fixed the fossil research bonus carrying across games
[*] Fixed The Tribe's base relations bar not disappearing when destroyed
[*] Fixed not being able to build on a destroyed Tribe building tile
[*] Fixed connectors sometimes blocking units if under construction when loaded
[*] Fixed patrol not continuing on load
[*] Fixed Rally points not being saved
[*] Fixed the tribe territory grid not appearing when in building placement mode
[*] Fixed ship module warning costs being impacted by building cost reductions
[*] Fixed research images and text not matching laboratory unit choice
[*] Fixed the research resource display being incorrect in some cases
[*] Fixed Plasma Towers not blocking other towers
[*] Fixed the Viper's death animation looping
[*] Fixed multiselect drag breaking if started on a building
[*] Fixed an edge case that would shutdown the AI
[*] Fixed units contantly rotating on load
[*] Fixed the Recycler not displaying demolish or power toggle buttons
[*] Fixed skill cooldowns sometimes carrying across games
[*] Fixed the merge unit tooltip
[*] Fixed the ground warning colours not always appearing correctly
[*] Fixed the Processor's build time
[*] Fixed aliens spawning over impassable terrain if part of an alien colony
[*] Fixed depots adding extra storage on load
[*] Fixed projectile trails sometimes becoming too large while using plasma cannons
[*] Reduced the chance pickups spawn in unpathable positions