Hello March! But, half of it is already gone.
This month's developer note is very late. There were in-depth discussions related to the core of the game and the overall UI, and changes came out day by day, so I held off writing notes until they were properly organized.
Now that we have solution of how the game is going to change, let's find out!
First of all, it's about the upcoming regular patch.
1. Addition of Inquisitor class
: Finally, a new class is coming. There may still have bugs, but we're pretty much done with it and will add it to regular builds as soon as after a few internal tests.
2. Addition of 3rd tower 3/4 section
: We tried to put all 3rd tower contents in at once, but we need check out inquisitor class and 2nd class upgrade system. Therefore, we only want to add content up to 3/4 of the way. For now.
We don't want to give you a pile of bugs.
3. Addition of town background animation
: An animation effect is added to the illustration of places that can be seen in town. It's a short and tiny animation, but we hope that more interest and realism will be conveyed to the game.
- Developer note for March -
1. Guide book (before encyclopedia)
: It was because of the guide book that the story of a huge patch came out. The development team organized and shared according to the elements in the game in their own way, but this is a bit messy for newbie players to understand right away, so we make more easily expression along with improvements. The guide book will gradually be patched in line with step by step, only a few will be added with each update.
2. Skill
: We're trying to set a clear concept of skill for the job. For example, Sniper's main concept is to deal nuke damage in a short period of time, but it has a long-term skill that increases CRC every turn. We are modifying the skill to fit concept and considering deleting or moving the existing skill if necessary.
3. Story
: I'm thinking a lot, but I'm being pushed by other tasks and I'm not able to work properly about story. But now, this story is about to be overhauled in a completely different way than before. The current story is a bit of a twist on the paradigm with normal and common story, but I came up with a new story method that is more interesting and nice to look at. Of course, that won't increase the priority of story task, but I'd like to show you a story that has changed for the better someday.
4. UI
: Some UI will be improved. It has not yet been decided which parts will be improved, but we are planning to make big changes in the tutorial, battle, and skill UI. More intuitive and user friendly.
5. Etc
: We are currently adjusting the number of doors and keys throughout the map. The quantity of keys are tight, so there will be adjustment of the key and door so that there is no case of being blocked in the section where you cannot secure more keys, especially at the beginning of the 1st tower.
: There is a function that increases the combat speed by pressing the left shift. We put it in to speed up the test. TOD's battle speed is fast, but it's boring to watch over and over again, so we'll add this to the tutorial and guide. It's a feature that has been around since the demo, so there may be people who find it by chance and use it.
These are the developer notes for March.
Since there were so many changes, we ask for your understanding that it took a long time to write and confirm notes, and that it was difficult to explain in detail.
Thank you to everyone who has been interested in and playing TOD!