TOD April Dev Notes

Hello! February has arrived. But it's already been over ten days. There was Lunar New Year's Day in January, so development was later than expected. February's content showcased a lot of things, starting with pre-release. In this news, explain that simply and share more information. These updates will be applied to regular builds within this week. April patch note has arrived. The full release isn't far off. To this, we are inspecting all parts, starting with various base contents. We are improving the parts where the quality was not good and unifying the form. It's a lot of work, so we're very busy. In this patch note, we will share more details about this. Before introducing, we found the cause of the old reset bug after returning to town and announced that the bug has been completely fixed! When you restarted after suffering a game over before defeating Slaughter(1st tower second mid boss), there was a problem with map save system. It has been solved well, but if you have a similar problem, please let us know through the community hub or e-mail. 1. Description Improvement : The content description text of TOD was not bad, but there was a difference in personality between other content. We are trying to solve this part first before proceeding with the newly added encyclopedia and guidebook work. In fact, we're allocating most of our work time here. English translation is also being done in same way. 2. Big patch for skills and artifacts : TOD's skills and artifacts had some inconveniences such as composition, efficacy, and timing of acquisition. Great improvements are being made in both areas to make game more comfortable for you. : Learning of class skills is now changed to a form that is automatically opened according to progress rather than buy or get. Existing class skillbooks are replaced with common skills or other items. : After class upgrade, you automatically learning all class skills of that grade. : The description of skills and artifacts will be reorganized. This also applies to monster skill introductions. : There are major balance adjustments to some skills and artifacts. This also includes the newly added Inquisitor class. 3. Changes to Town Shop : Along with class skill, the town shop has also been changed to be more pleasant. - Common Merchant now sell 'artifacts'. - Harbor Merchant now sell 'equipments'. - Black Market's random table is changed. - Peddler now sell 'rare items'. - Evangelist now sells 'common skills' as EXP. - Gambler's random table is changed. 4. Encyclopedia and Guidebook : We are preparing encyclopedia and guidebook. Not only skills, but also basic status descriptions, mob descriptions, etc. They are being changed and systematized. Additions are planned for a slightly more distant future. 5. Add Tower Contents : The ground floor of 3rd tower has been opened. You can progress through the game until Titan. Finally, you can try out your second class skills! 6. Town animations : Added several simple town animations including cloud effects. It doesn't directly affect the game, but it will give you a fresher feel when visiting different locations. We are trying to complete full release before July. Because of final inspection, new content development is slowing down. but it's a necessary part for user convenience, so we ask for your understanding and support. These are the developer notes for April. Thank you to everyone who has been interested in and playing TOD!