We are planning to release 1.1 ver patch within this month. We would like to share roadmap.
- Unlock True Ending
: Currently locked true ending will be unlocked. In true ending, three boss battles await.
: True ending leads to a common ending regardless of class.
: If you lose during the true ending stage, you cannot try again. You have to play game once again.
: True ending takes place immediately without a separate return to town.
- Story Remake
: The remaked story content will be applied from the prologue to Chapter 2. The range of application may change due to development circumstances.
- Tutorial Remake
: Plan to improve tutorial to make it more helpful.
- Other patches
: Nerfs are applied to some enemies.
: Balance patches are applied to some artifacts.
: Change the Collector's appearance time to Chapter 2.
: Change the conditions for artifacts that can be purchased from Collector to be previewed.
: We plan to add a means to supply HP throughout the stage. (Potions, Field merchants, etc.)