Balance Patch : Sniper

The sniper is a class that finishes battles as quickly as possible with powerful damage and minimizes losses. However, the number of monsters that snipers can kill without taking damage is very small, but many monsters that can counter them, so the sniper's skill tree has been buffed to solve this problem. Additionally, some skill names and scripts have been modified to be more appropriate. *Long range passive skill details changed - 1st level : First Strike, Remove low speed penalty - 2nd level : AP +1 on 1st turn - 3rd level : Enemy SPD decrease to 1/2 *Double Shot → Explosive Arrow - Effect changes according to tier adjustment *Take Cover - Changed to a skill that gains XP at startup. *Explosive Arrow → Scatter Arrow - 6 hits skill *Pierce Arrow → Reserved Arrow - Increased number of class skill uses instead of pierce bonus In addition, minor effect modifications were made. Not only snipers, but all currently released classes will be adjusted once in a while. This patch is scheduled to be patched within this week.