Three new languages live now!


Do you have what it takes to save the planet? Beecarbonize is an environmental card strategy game with climate change as your opponent.

Hello and what a great day! [h2]Thanks to a valiant effort of [i]you[/i], our community, Beecarbonize is now more accessible to more than a [b]billion[/b] people 😲 💚[/h2] That hopefully means more climate awareness, richer community and possibly even more saved bees ([url=]the right ones[/url]) and sequestered carbon. The update is now live on Mac, PC as well as iOS. Android is coming a bit later. And we’d be grateful if you told your French, Portugese or Spanish speaking friends who might be interested! Thanks for your continued support as we wouldn’t be able to do it without you. [h3]Give it up for these community heroes and heroines![/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/352f2afa175843308ddb9237343659f2100ff3a5.jpg[/img] We love you all! And we will think about some way how to give you even more glorious thanks. Until then, take care everybody. And get in there to save some bees. They need it. Ondrej Charles Games