New patch out: achievements (important details inside) & volume sliders


Do you have what it takes to save the planet? Beecarbonize is an environmental card strategy game with climate change as your opponent.

Hi - a new patch is here. Apart from the achievements and volume sliders you all asked for, we have also fixed a bug with the board card displacement and an error that caused win streak to be broken. If you started playing before this patch and have trouble with the achievements, there’s a little thing you have to do make them work properly - deleting your save data, switch off Steam Cloud save and then doing them again, as the logic behind needs a fresh start. Sorry for putting you through this, but it’s the easiest solution we came up with. [h3][b]How to reset achievements[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Delete the old save data. On Windows it is located in C://Users/username/AppData/LocalLow/CharlesGames/BeeCarbonize (you might need to show hidden folders in Explorer), on Mac ~/Library/Application Support/Charles Games/Beecarbonize [*] Switch Off Cloud Save (Right click on a game in library and select Properties) [/list] Again, the achievement system is a tad bit convoluted, so sorry. Let us know if you have any further issues. I figured to post it as a big update so you can jump in a get the final achievement right away! Sorry for all the hassle and if you find anything, let us know. Ondrej Charles Games