More Beecarbonize data & graphs!


Do you have what it takes to save the planet? Beecarbonize is an environmental card strategy game with climate change as your opponent.

Hi everybody! Hope you had a great start of the year. I spend the first weeks digging into some Beecarbonize numbers and I can show you now! So, if you are interested in some statistics about playtimes, players and devices, read on! I decided to check on some non-Steam stats as well. So first up, a general platform breakdown: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/ff7e344f12df6ef85ad50947017453aeb4744213.png[/img] Again, thank you so much our Steam players here as you make the biggest portion! Up next, Steam-specific minimum time played. The percentage here is of all players and, kinda intuitively, it gets lower and lower as we approach the 10-hour playtime mark: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/1da0db511eae957371bdb9996d11ff0dda0b73ba.png[/img] Still crazy tho that there are 2% of you who are 10+ hours in! Remarkable. It also means that half of you spent 1 hour in hour game which is honestly more than we could’ve asked for. Speaking of playtime, two stats are interesting here – a median and an average playtime: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/0cf993d084adf1e0cc6f50b9ef627f279606d576.png[/img] That’s beautiful! What this tells us, in lieu of the first graph, that there is a significant portion of hardcore Beecarbonize players, dragging up the average playtime :) Thanks! Last graphs I have today are Apple-specific. Our game was actually first released on mobile and since Apple is the biggest mobile platform, I will just leave it here if someone of you finds it interesting: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/0e9873f04a77d51ec943d8c5facc8e739dc8002b.png[/img] Mad shoutout to these 0.1% of iPod users. Which is like 43 people. Wow. And to offer you something to compare our previous [url=]Steam-specific regional graph[/url], I dug up Apple regional data: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/91545e74d5e9163b48fdeddefa30374a77280b42.png[/img] We have a strong US game, apparently! But Germany being up there is indeed heartwarming. So that is all for today. We are still looking into some ways we might continue working on Beecarbonize, but nothing is sure yet. I will let you know! And thanks for still playing, reviewing and discussing our game. It keeps ups motivated with our [url=]other[/url] [url=]projects[/url]. Talk to you soon and take care, Ondřej Charles Games