Results of our FAN ART contest are here! 🏆


Do you have what it takes to save the planet? Beecarbonize is an environmental card strategy game with climate change as your opponent.

Hi to all, hope your summer concluded in the best possible way. Ours sure did – the past month at the office was so much fun due to all the fanart you sent us and all the debates we had about who should win. In the end, it was tough, but we decided. Let's take a look! [h1]FAN ART CONTEST WINNERS ARE HERE![/h1] About a month ago we asked you to make any art inspired by the world of Beecarbonize and boy oh boy you did not dissapoint. :) As we promised the prizes will be sent as follows: [b] - 1st place will receive a very special set of physical Beecarbonize memorabilia. Stickers included! - 2nd place will receive codes for Attentat 1942 and Svoboda 1945![/b] So without further ado... [h2][b]1st place goes to Victor Burel for his work "A Game of Balance"![/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/2fde324974fee668b478db7ae3ddf8b476f00b6d.png[/img] It is intricate, it is heartfelt and it beautifully expands on the topics we put into game. Btw I love how Victor reimagined the wolf from our cards at the bottom. Just gorgeous. Find him on [url=]LinkedIn[/url] and Discord as "yoshire". [h3]Congratulations and we will be in touch![/h3] Now for... [h2][b]the 2nd place – Grim Solutions Card Pack by iВазовский [/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/0a56c8d96208aa3078bcdecf1e6f9f43f34ec8a8.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/5b6ac9a98212366aece30ecf4b5cdca701b90bae.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/7951adc5b2d5e03254782ef1c96869a5073e44d5.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/3add48db4155a2abb936d807d25cc649bdd05651.png[/img] We were truly blown away but a scope of this! A whole bunch of new cards: Titan crack, Rule of Nature, Descent of God, Synthetid Evolution, we love the mall. Also the reverse-engineering and art-alingment care iВазовский took is tremendous. We would love if this would be a mod made for the game. You can check the [url=]template[/url] by iВазовский for making your own cards in our Community tab. Give iВазовский some love and we will be in touch regarding the codes. [h2][b]3rd place – pixelated bee by Kade Captain[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/b479b6b8f8945b7310dfc852bff51b9e9c4d56cb.png[/img] We love pixel art and we love bees so this is a perfect conjunction of both. Great work with the background shading and the Bee’s shine. Plain nice! [h3]And now for the honorable mentions...[/h3] A very, very kind bee by never-there (love the Windows XP throwback background and check their [url=]IG[/url] and [url=]DeviantArt[/url]!) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/6d1a0142878a4a8d8b9ac263d56f448a2fc23b8f.png[/img] A bulgy eyed bee by Ruairidh (look at the smile!) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/5cdcfe89bc75d9c4a4f47c859f105664b712453b.png[/img] A bee in crayon and pencil by Alex H (we love how realistic it is!) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/1841505e636c2e57e1878efe0de044206bb45cfb.jpg[/img] [h2]So thank you everybody! It has been a tough call and we are thankful to everybody who submitted their work! We will be very probably hosting more events like these in the future so be on a lookout. And thanks for playing and being in the community with us. A heartwarming place. [/h2] Truly. Yours. Ondrej Charles Games