Fan art contest kicks off, with prizes!


Do you have what it takes to save the planet? Beecarbonize is an environmental card strategy game with climate change as your opponent.

Hello all! We are quite happy with what our illustrator Jitka done with Beecarbonize (check her other work, too!), but you know - why stop there! [h2]That’s why we are opening the very first Beecarbonize fan art contest for submissions! [/h2] [h3]It will run starting today for two weeks, until August 28th.[/h3] [i]Send your drawings, pantings, origamis, screen printed fabrics, sculptures and anything else over at [/i] Just please make sure to start the subject of your e-mail with "Fanart:". It will help us not to lose your artwork! [b]Clarification: Please do not send us an AI-generated art as we think its not in the spirit of this contest to be using such tools. Thanks for understanding. [/b] But no contest is without prizes, right? Therefore: [b][list] [*] 1st place will receive a very special set of physical Beecarbonize memorabilia. Stickers included! [*] 2nd place will receive codes for Attentat 1942 and Svoboda 1945! [/list][/b]So get to those drawing boards and send your artworks our way! I am sure you can do better then the Bee in our cover image... though I like it. Seems happy, content even. Like there is not much to worry about in terms of climate. How I wish it was right! Looking forward to all of your artworks. Best, Ondrej