Christmas thanks and recap charts! 📊


Do you have what it takes to save the planet? Beecarbonize is an environmental card strategy game with climate change as your opponent.

Dear players! First of all [b]thanks so much[/b] as this year [b]was such a joyride[/b] thanks to your overwhelming support and nice feedback. To recap all that, I have gathered some numbers from Steam, run them through our proprietary data analysis (me and Excel) and now I have some nice charts to show you. So without further ado... region breakdown! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/926b4c74e6c49ed06903c43f1391554cf2963a01.png[/img] Asia was going strong particularly thanks to China. Thank you! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/9279d605b87b9d718b6d6b65a83db8f9af3e0b8b.png[/img] Then, we took a closer look at other player numbers. Over 7 thousand daily active users is a big heartwarming statistical hug for us! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/16b35487319d2156bf003a198142eb64adcbab55.png[/img] And how many of you have played the game at the same time? [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/f8c92c22a3adee9a1b7e7fb99a56ece6f5b2500e.png[/img] Now it’s time for the total number of Beecarbonize(s?) in the library: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/03dc2730267de9846fb8da2f39102255227d5d3f.png[/img] Thanks to everyone who gave us a review. A ratio that I am inclined to printout and hang in our studio. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/1f117ed0214f893df1ee4b637a42fda43aff248d.png[/img] And last, but not least, the achievements. The data is a bit approximate calculated from the total downloads of Beecarbonize on Steam, but arguably big kudos to the almost 900 climate speedrunners! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44382788/3b21e58d9880ca809b6b1df1f28bd3cd33efdfd1.png[/img] So that’s a wrap for this year! We are thinking about ways we can continue working and expanding Beecarbonize, but I don’t have anything definite to share with you yet. Keep your fingers crossed! And let me reiterate: [h1]Thank. You.[/h1] When we launched Beecarbonize on Steam, we never would have guessed there would be over 160 000 of you, who'd be into playing a humble climate card strategy survival game, arguably a little bit roguelike-adjacent resource management sim game. But there was. Which is the best gift we could have gotten. By the way, if you’d like to know what we are up to, see [url=]our latest newsletter here.[/url] So merry Christmas, happy New Year and see you in 2024! On behalf of everybody at Charles Games, including all the pets, Ondřej