The "Thunderbolt" update is live!

Supersonic Tank Cats

Supersonic Tank Cats is a fast race-and-battle karts game featuring unconventional half-kitty and half-combat vehicles. Move in cartoony racetracks as you use hilarious weapons against your rivals to reach the goal before anyone else.

Hello everybody! It's a good time for an update, just in synchrony with the Black Friday sale. A new track, a new character, and lots of tiny fixes! [img][/img] Thunder Heights is a fast, adrenaline-pumping track! Suspended in the air, in the middle of an electric storm... oh, and there's a huge tornado up there, too. It is temporarily using the battle mode music theme, but a dedicated one is in the works. Sorry for this small delay! [img][/img] Mao the chef is a mixed bag! He gets two ways of placing obstacles behind, in the form of landmines and his signature Fire Trail, which doubles as a speed boost! Without ado, here's the full patch notes: [list] [*]Added a new circuit: Thunder Heights [*]Added a new character: Mao [*]Added shockwave effect when using boost pads [*]Changed boost sound effect [*]Changed Moona's fireballs sound effect [*]Improved music in Pawn's Road and The Bowl tracks [*]Tweaked acceleration to be easier accelerate from lower speeds [*]Roam mode now has music [*]Added a check to prevent "Double boost" from ramps with several booster pads besides each other [*]Fixed bug that prevented from changing music, sound volume and brightness as a result of the new options menu layout [*]Fixed bug that prevented Moona to emit step sounds [*]Fixed bug that made jumping off ramps have inconsistent results [/list] I'm planning on adding another character, plus a few new interesting features, in the next update. As always, thank you and have lots of fun!