The "Around the world" update is now live!

Supersonic Tank Cats

Supersonic Tank Cats is a fast race-and-battle karts game featuring unconventional half-kitty and half-combat vehicles. Move in cartoony racetracks as you use hilarious weapons against your rivals to reach the goal before anyone else.

Hello everyone! This update comes with an often forgot about, but altogether important feature: multiple language support! [img][/img] Along with English, now the Spanish, German, Japanese and brazilian Portuguese languages are supported! If you can help translating the game to a different language, just let me know! :) Without ado, here's the complete change log: [list] [*]Added multiple language support [*]Languages include English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, German and Japanese [*]Fixed a warning in the log related to the new sound system [*]Added AI fixes to remove some "stuck spots" [*]Slightly tweaked UI to accomodate translated terms [/list] See you in the next update, that will be focused on in-game content! As always, have fun!