Nuclear update is live

Supersonic Tank Cats

Supersonic Tank Cats is a fast race-and-battle karts game featuring unconventional half-kitty and half-combat vehicles. Move in cartoony racetracks as you use hilarious weapons against your rivals to reach the goal before anyone else.

Hi everyone! Today's update is a mixed bag. I'll start with the good news! [img][/img] This new track is full of alternate paths and open areas so you can choose your way around! Find the fastest route, or take the safest path around the mutant poison-spitting plants and toxic waters in Luminous Lake! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30495681/a77438074d3c30ed52b5d8c2dce3e2c636348ded.png[/img] The new character is a very special guest: Guapo, from Hyperbeard's Kleptocats! Kepp an eye out for this little prankster! He might steal your heart! On to sadder news, online multiplayer has been buggier and more unstable with each update that added content. Making an online game that just works is a big feat, one that requires lots of hard work, expertise, and dedicated staff. Sadly, I haven't been able to fix it in time for this update. Since the start of development, a lot of things have changed in the game development world, with online frameworks being born and phased out. At this point I as a developer I'm facing a situation in which documentation for the exact version of the online systems I'm using is scarce and in some cases, support simply has dissapeared. As a result, I'm forced to take a step back and see how to tackle this problem in a different way. For now the mode is disabled, as it's almost non-functional at this point. While I want the game to reach it's maximum potential, this specific part of development has been taxing on my own health and energy for a long time, and we're at a point of inflexion. Up until today, I've still taken shots at fixing this mode, but right now, the best route is removing online play. I will, of course, keep you all posted if a solution is found, although for my own health I'm switching focus to adding content instead, and the most probable outcome is that I don't go back to online mode. I want to apologize, too, to those who bought the game solely in hopes of getting an online experience. I've been feeling bad about it for a long time, and I hope you all are understanding with the difficulties and limitations of solo (almost-solo, technically) game development. Without further delay, here's the changelog: [list] [*]New guest character: Guapo from Kleptocats [*]New track: Luminous Lake [*]Made Rainbow Paw weapon require usage instead of being automatically used on pickup [*]Changed fullscreen settings for better compatibility [*]Added Kryat Lore from patreon to Special thanks in credits [*]Online mode has been disabled while the whole system is undergoing an overhaul [*]Tweaked Rainbow Paw hitbox so it doesn't interfere with scenery as much [*]Fixed UI bug on unlock window that didn't properly show "1st", "2nd" and "3rd" [/list]