The "Factory" update is now live!

Supersonic Tank Cats

Supersonic Tank Cats is a fast race-and-battle karts game featuring unconventional half-kitty and half-combat vehicles. Move in cartoony racetracks as you use hilarious weapons against your rivals to reach the goal before anyone else.

[img][/img] Hello everyone! This update brings both a new track and a the new Treat Cup! [img][/img] Without further ado, here's the patch notes: [list] [*] Added new track: Laser Factory [*] Added new Grand Prix cup: Treat Cup [*] Added new missions, and a token race for each track [*] Added goal line to minimap [*] Changed track menu to use previews as icons [*] Tweaked drifting to make it lose less speed [*] Added field of view changes to boost [*] Added a transition from preview to countdown [*] Added dripping goo on borders of the Bowl track to better signal the track bounds [*] Added corner stones to buildings in Sugarfire Park track [*] Added traffic lights to Sugarfire Park track [*] Changed number of laps of Token Race missions to 3 from 1 [*] Increased hitbox of mission coins and tokens [*] Reduced overall chance of emitting meows to half [*] Reduced motion blur [*] Re-centered labels in buttons [*] Tweaked mission results UI [*] Changed token race missions name to numbered format [*] Made cup selection labels bigger [*] Changed "Exit" on results screen to "Back" [*] Fixed missing translations [*] Fixed a bug that could prevent the use of weapons on rare ocasions [*] Fixed a bug on mission mode [*] Fixed typos in english [/list] [img][/img] See you in the next update! Have fun!