"Aerial View" Update now live!

Supersonic Tank Cats

Supersonic Tank Cats is a fast race-and-battle karts game featuring unconventional half-kitty and half-combat vehicles. Move in cartoony racetracks as you use hilarious weapons against your rivals to reach the goal before anyone else.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKsK1vb9R54&feature=youtu.be Hello everyone! Here's another big update for you! The Aerial View update comes with an important feature that was due: The minimap! As well as the incorporation to the roster of Smokey and a new track: Royal Woods! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30495681/5e2823fadac64ec8ab7227c370201c2b3e3f627f.png[/img] Without further ado, the patch notes: [list] [*]Added new character: Smokey [*]Added new circuit: Royal Woods [*]Races now have 8 participants [*]Added minimap to race mode [*]Characters now have subtitles for quicker diferentiation [*]Added character icons to results screens [*]Made race results show in two columns for better screen fitting [*]Rebalanced all weapons to stun for less time [*]Added animated audience cats to Catactus desert and Skyscraper highway [*]Modified weapon icons for Fire Trail, Electric Balls and Land Mine weapons [*]Increased image quality of the cat face-cam [*]Improved AI drifting [*]Improved AI in Thunder Heights track [*]Fixed chaotic character collissions [*]Changed fullscreen mode to improve compatibility with Linux, and made windowed mode default [*]Made city roads and sidewalks distance smaller to improve collissions [*]Fixed a bug that could remove the hability to use weapons after using the special weapon [*]Fixed a bug that made shields not work properly sometimes [*]Fixed a bug that made music stay fast in the menu after exiting a race in the last lap [*]Fixed a collission bug that made possible to get stuck inside turbines in Thunder Heights track [*]Fixed a bug that shows a skybox before showing the logo if the game is running slowly [*]Fixed a bug that made UI shake slightly when in high quality graphic settings [/list] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30495681/93a30a6e93e48e3fd99d058a80d76940386da75a.png[/img] Next update will bring a new character, missions and a massive overhaul of the sound system! Thank you for playing, remember to report any bug you find, and most important: Have fun!