The Doom Update

Superior: Vengeance

Make your way through a sprawling, hyper-stylized superhero universe on the hunt for superheroes turned evil. Save the world in this roguelite, 3rd-person co-op shooter by stealing powers and engaging in extraordinary combat using hundreds of unique superpowers, weapons, and abilities.

[h1]New Character[/h1] Sometimes, the only friend you need is a really good gun. No one knows that better than Superior: Vengeance’s second Sharpshooter: Specialist. Like her sister from another… er… timeline… Specialist is all about scoring sweet sweet headshots and keeping herself alive. While Nomad likes to look at the big picture, Specialist prefers a more targeted approach, building hitstreak with her weapons that boosts her damage, reload speed, and more! Unlock Specialist today in the Battlebook! [h1]Doom Room[/h1] Overwhelming hordes and hazards await you at the Doom Room: a facility for training the best of the best superiors. Operated by a rogue AI named S.T.A.N, the Doom Room offers a fast-paced and unique challenge. Get S.T.A.N’s attention by defeating the Superior at the end of any Earth… and make sure to bring an appetite! [h1]Offline Mode[/h1] Planes, trains, and automobiles. What do these all have in common? That’s right, no stable internet connection. Luckily, that won’t stop you from kicking Superior butt! Superior: Vengeance can now be played offline! [b]NOTE:[/b] [i]Progress made offline is stored separately from your online profile![/i] [h1]Expanded Battlebook DLC[/h1] Want a new look for your weapons or character? We’ve added 5 more pages to the Battlebook in the form of our first DLC for Superior: Vengeance! [h2]Other Updates[/h2] Added the Auto Rifle, tier 2 auto precision weapon Added 16 Doom Snacks Sharpshooter Heroic Rescue skill changed to: Start each encounter with +2/3/5% Overdrive charge per unused self-revive. Gain 100% Overdrive charge when reviving yourself or an ally. [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] Fixed the Growth’s pustule health bar not updating immediately Fixed some objective text’s not localizing properly Fixed Power Station laser hazards not playing effects when players first enter the area