Make your way through a sprawling, hyper-stylized superhero universe on the hunt for superheroes turned evil. Save the world in this roguelite, 3rd-person co-op shooter by stealing powers and engaging in extraordinary combat using hundreds of unique superpowers, weapons, and abilities.
The test branch has been updated with new changes planned for the next update, and is available via the "client_ptr" beta branch in Steam. As always please share any and all feedback on our official discord in #sv-feedback (📝sv-feedback) or in the forums.
[u]Note:[/u] This build is a development build which has additional debug information to help us track down any issues / crashes and the like. Performance will be degraded compared to the official public build. The progress made with the test branch will not carry over to the public build.
Checkpoint support for solo runs is finally here! Now every time you return to the safe house a checkpoint is created which you can then resume at a later point. Most things are working but there are still some kinks to work out (i.e. snacks). [i][b](community request)[/b][/i]
More fixes to checkpoints which resolves some issues with end of mission screens not functioning correctly if playing from a checkpoint. Also checkpoints are properly removed when abandoning a mission.
Capturing more stats for checkpoints, working out a few more issues.
[h3]Looting/Kiosk improvements[/h3]
Instead of only showing whichever one you're focused on, both options in a duo loot chest are now visible at the same time. This makes it much easier to decide which to pick, especially in the heat of battle. [i][b](community request)[/b][/i]
Items in the upgrade and weapon kiosks can now be locked. This allows you to save an option for your return trip if you don't have enough cash on hand to purchase it immediately. Note that locked items prevent another item from being offered in the shop so you're trading off the chance of a rare RNG drop if you're locking items. [i][b](community request)[/b][/i]
[h3]AI tweaks[/h3]
AI have figured out how to open unlocked doors. Smarter every day!
Improvements to how AI handle traversing down ledges, should get stuck far less often and make it down quicker on average.
New changes with how different AI are populated through the levels to start adding more diversity in the encounters. Still very much a work in progress, expect to see more improvements here.
Troopers with helmets now uniformly take less damage while the helmet is attached, but then take normal headshot damage afterwards. Knocking off a helmet will also provide a temporary armor break.
Fix issue with AI getting stuck to the player when melee attacking but getting knocked back (i.e. Nomad's bonk weapon will reliably knock back troopers and scraps).
[h3]Other changes[/h3]
Loot barrels now pop right away instead of having an awkward delay. Sometimes it's the small things.
Hide the shareable icons in various HUD elements if there's nobody to share with.
Juice tanks now properly insert into the processor when playing in solo.
Reduce min time for startup movies to play so that players can load into the game faster if loading completes in time.
Improve the double jump, plug in a proper animation for the event.
A new perk "Bloody Mess" is available for purchase in the kiosk. It's bumps up the blood and gibs, plus gives a small global damage boost.
New dash and jump powers have been added for early testing.
(new) An option to suppress the Overdrive activation music has been added. [i][b](community request)[/b][/i]
(new) Six new weapons have been added!