Steam Patch 3.1.9 is live - New tutorial zone, Changes & more Fixes

Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore

A F2P 'Open Alpha' MMORPG! 23 Unique Classes - Charming Quests & Story - 100s of Monsters - 18 Professions - 8+ Dungeons - 4 World Bosses - 1 Pinnacle Boss - Total Level, Skill, & XP Rankings - Active and Friendly Devs... & Much More!

[b]Steam Patch 3.1.9 is live [/b] [b]Changes and fixes:[/b] - Jess continues to make progress on the Explorer's guild area located near Marshdale, which will house content for high level woodcutters/woodworkers, fishermen, and skinners/leatherworkers. - Pestering SudsMcDuff to get you guys the Warrens of Thought dungeon (levels 10-13) in the Edrivine Sewers! - Hotbars should now properly save settings and spell slots. - We've attempted to implement new fixes to address any desync issues. Let me know if you notice any disappearing players or resources after this patch. - Dragging Items that are in Hotbar slots should no longer drop them on the ground. - Menu Icons have been recolored to match the rest of the UI. - Aetherthistle color has been corrected. - More SI Quests and Conversations have been updated. Let us know if you encounter any bugs. - The minimap should no longer zoom out far enough to cause crashes when clicking to move. - Researching a monster should now be possible once per enemy. - Continued Pathfinding improvements. (Still not perfect, but getting better) - Crafting should now dismount players properly. - Spirit Blast and other spells which affect the player's own time should now work correctly. - Tab Targeting and interacting with monsters that are close to the player tile should be much more reliable. We've Rolled out a new tutorial, which serves to educate new players on the most basic systems before heading to Solitary Isles. Gather, Craft, and Fight on a serene Island just off the coast of Seaholm. Let us know if you have any feedback on this - we will continue to improve it over time and make sure that new players stick around to try out more of Ethyrial! Added a highlight around Dorian's Locker when reaching that part of the quest. Bugfixes for various conversations around SI. Updated Guardian "Grit" status effect icon. New Loading Screen added. Corrected Stewed Crab recipe XP. Grass color corrected. Thanks for your patience as we continue to build out the foundation of a great MMO. Let us know if you encounter any bugs or issues in Irumesa!