Patch 3.1.4 - Alternate Shop Currencies, QoL Fixes, Fishing Hotspots!

[img][/img] **Steam Patch 3.1.4** is now up on Steam with a handful of QoL fixes. Server has been restarted as well! **Notes:** [img][/img] # Alternate Currency in Vendor Shops We've added support for alternate currencies, which will allow us to offer item exchanges for Monster Hunting, Crystallized Hearts (Minipets), Tokens (i.e. 10 Pristine Dragonscales for a specific piece of gear?), or other ideas we can come up with! :raised_hands: - The Quest Container should now toggle off with Shift+B as well as the normal bags. - Players should now properly get knocked off their mount when taking damage while using a fast mount. - Divine Fury is no longer considered a Crusader spell while in the training grounds. - New Loading Screen image added. (Might be a future dungeon :eyes:) - Slightly increased the Open Nearby Corpse range to account for larger hitbox mobs. - Cyan Mouseover outlines will now appear again when hovering a corpse while the tool is active. - Forest Canna and Oxbloom Master Herbalist Insignia procs now work correctly. - Mammoth hit and idle animations updated. - Over 45 new recipes added for cooking. - Healing Salve is now craftable. - Ladders, Storage Containers, and Elevators should now be interactable with a simple left click. - Continued Dialogue updates on Solitary Isles. - 20+ New Rare Cooking Components added to the database. - The hidden MS reduction when over 80% of max carry capacity has been removed. Movement speed will be reduced when the player is actually encumbered. [img][/img] # Fishing Hotspots :Fishinge: We've added 3 test hotspots to Seaholm near the docks, which allow players to fish for an extended period without interruption. Occasionally, the hotspot will disappear, but will respawn within a few minutes. You may have to re-cast your line sometimes as well, so it's not completely afk. There is also a bonus to fishing when catching fish at hotspots. - PvP Matchmaking has undergone some attempted fixes to prevent the 'frozen' character bug. Please give arena a few tests and report any feedback so we can continue to improve this game mode. 2v2 / 3v3 is rather easy to roll out if we get 1v1 working properly. - Celestium and Leysilver Bar trade pack value was increased to correctly follow the value logic from previous bars. - The open nearby corpse range should be extended slightly, we fixed a few bugs related to the system today. - Aeonite Bar recipe added to Blacksmithing. - Partially Digested Lump droprate increased slightly. - Tundrath HP increased slightly. - Research XP should be gained from kills once again, let us know if it is working or is bugged. - Attempted bug fixes for item links in chat (this didn't seem to work, we'll keep tracking down the root of the issue for global chat) - We'll add a **World Boss** notification role to discord so players that want to participate can be alerted when a group is forming up. Thanks for supporting Ethyrial, see everyone in game! :heart: