Small Update:


Contagion isn't your average Zombie Shooter but instead takes a more realistic and different approach to the popular genre with unique characters, environments, weapons, items, and a built in system that makes every round completely unpredictable with resources, objectives, and paths ever changing.

[h2]Changelog[/h2] [h3]Engine[/h3] [list] [*]Increased the brush limit from 2m to 4m [*]Updated VRAD, VVIS and VBSP (Hammer Map Compilers) [/list] [h3]Game[/h3] [list] [*]Added unused "low health" line when HP is 25% or lower. [*]Added where the player will leave a trail of blood if HP is 25% or lower [/list] [list] [*]Updated ce_biotec nav mesh [*]Updated Vote Controller, now you cannot vote kick recently joined players for X amount of minutes (default is 1) [*]Updated AngelScript for prop_button_timed [*]Updated AngelScript API, now supports "WWise sound stop" on self (player) and entities [*]Updated shaders, unremoved shader skip for vertex shader detail mode 1, 4, 6 [*]Updated ce_laststop_03, fixed the bridge animation [*]Updated translations [/list] [list] [*]Fixed vote kicking being too exploitable [*]Fixed Potato Mode and Low (Model / Texture Detail) crashing the game due it was trying to read non existent LOD's when it was already on said LOD level. [*]Fixed being grappled when turning (player goes T-Pose) [*]Fixed sb_ commands still being check when starting a lobby game [*]Fixed UI for Steam Deck users (this also applies to 4:3 resolution) [/list] [h3]Angelscript API:[/h3] [h3]Monochrome Discord:[/h3]