Small Update:


Contagion isn't your average Zombie Shooter but instead takes a more realistic and different approach to the popular genre with unique characters, environments, weapons, items, and a built in system that makes every round completely unpredictable with resources, objectives, and paths ever changing.

[h2]Changelog[/h2] [list] [*]Added missing particle textures [/list] [list] [*]Updated Angelscript API [*]Updated prop_door_rotating, now you can set if the player should notify others if said door is locked [*]Updated trigger_gas, now it will mark the nav its on as "damaging" [*]Updated AdminSystem, now it should properly save banned players (from the anti cheat) [/list] [list] [*]Fixed broken cubemaps for RoanokePD and UnionStation (all versions) [/list] [list] [*]Deprecated EntityCreator::RegisterCustomWeapon [/list] [h3]Added new scriptable bases:[/h3] [list] [*]ScriptBase_Entity [*]ScriptBase_PointEntity [/list] [h3]New Angelscript API functions:[/h3] [list] [*]void CBaseEntity.SetUse(const string &in strFunction); [*]void CBaseEntity.SetBlocked(const string &in strFunction); [*]void CBaseEntity.SetTouch(const string &in strFunction); [*]void CBaseEntity.SetThink(const string &in strFunction); [*]void CBaseEntity.SetNextThink(float &in flThink, const string &in szContext = ""); [*]SolidType_t CBaseEntity.GetSolidType(); [*]void CBaseEntity.SetSolidType(SolidType_t solidType); [*]int CBaseEntity.ObjectCaps(); (function override only) [*]int CBaseAnimating.LookupSequence( const string &in strAnim ); [*]void CBaseAnimating.SetSequence( int nSequence ); [*]void CBaseAnimating.PlayAnimation( int nSequence ); [*]void CBaseAnimating.SetPlaybackRate( float rate ); [*]void CBaseAnimating.SetCycle( float flCycle ); [*]void CBaseAnimating.Animate(); [*]bool CTerrorWeapon.RemoveWeapon(int &in iSlot); [*]int CTerrorPlayer.GetScore(); [*]void throw(const string &in msg, ThrowMethod method = m_kDefault); [*]void ConCommand::RegisterToChat(const string& in strConCommand, const string& in strCommand); [*]void EntityCreator::RegisterCustomEntity( CustomEntityTypes_t eClassType, const string& in szClassname, const string& in szClassobject ); [/list] [h3]Angelscript API:[/h3] [h3]Monochrome Discord:[/h3]