

Contagion isn't your average Zombie Shooter but instead takes a more realistic and different approach to the popular genre with unique characters, environments, weapons, items, and a built in system that makes every round completely unpredictable with resources, objectives, and paths ever changing.

- Updated prices for the medical resources and melee weapons - Updated translations - Updated cf_clocktower (fixed some nav issues, AI getting stuck because they want to make love furniture, and some more detailing) - Updated Flatline, minimum amount of waves has been increased to 10 - Fixed Solo not enabling "sv_pauseable" - Fixed Campaign solo not being solo - Fixed Campaign (if more than 1 player in the party) and party mode not setting the lobby game to "private". An option for "Public lobbies" will be added later. Set net_islobby from 2 to 1 for public lobbies (When hosting a lobby P2P game) - Fixed VPK reading, no longer crashes if it tries to read a wrong VPK version (or corrupted one) - Fixed outdated GPU_MEM_LEVEL's files (ekv files). This should fix the crash issue on ce_laststop_03, 04 and 05 - Fixed where interaction HTML would have some graphical issues and where the game could crash because of the graphical issues (prop_button_interact) - Fixed a crash for when player is in the void, trying to compute too much lighting information. This only happens when using noclip.