

Contagion isn't your average Zombie Shooter but instead takes a more realistic and different approach to the popular genre with unique characters, environments, weapons, items, and a built in system that makes every round completely unpredictable with resources, objectives, and paths ever changing.

Controller mode is currently broken, due Steam is not reading the default configuration file, or that it was setup incorrectly. This is still being looked into, and will be solved for the next hotfix and/or update. [h3]Changelog[/h3] [list] [*]Added missing server_cvar event [*]Added new cvar "sv_voiceproximity_radius" [*]Added "rcon" and "gospec" admin commands. [*]Added "bool Utils.IsCampaign(const string& in szCampaign) const" [*]Added English, Italian and Brazilian notes for RoanokePD [*]Fixed where the game would go into demonstration mode. [*]Fixed a possible crash with sv_tags [*]Fixed where you could see the void in Potato Mode on cf_underground [*]Fixed where the player could get stuck in the apartments on cp_broadway [*]Fixed `admin slay` using "explode" as suicide [*]Fixed Sniper dropping 1 bullet and deagle dropping everything [*]Fixed where the client could softlock the game when downloading assets (if max players override and custom mode got enabled while they were downloading) [*]Updated ASCompiler and vice [*]Updated host_timescale to only support the value down to 0.01 and maximum to 50. This should fix where it would brick the clients (on the same server, or if they joined other servers) [*]Updated Angelscript API and cleaned up the web API [/list] `[b]admin gospec[/b]` is a moderator level command `[b]admin rcon[/b]` is an admin level command