Resolution Update

Prismatic Maze

Prismatic Maze is an experimental evolving maze game where maps are alive, grown organically and naturally arranging themselves into hierarchical mazes. Hidden in each map are tools and ingredients to grow more complex mazes and aid to exploration of their patterns and treasures.

Hey Everybody! This update redesigns how UI Menus and dialogs are positioned in the game. It's a seemingly-small update that nontheless touches a lot of game components. If you have been playing at 1080p, the changes you will see look like the screenshots included in this post. If you've been playing at any other resolution... there is a decent chance that the 'before' picture looks much worse and the after picture looks pretty much the same as these. The reason things looked different at other resolutions was because I was using pixel-specific sizes and positioning pretty much everywhere. Unity seems to prefer pixel-specific adjustments and it does work well in some cases but when you change resolutions all the relative positions are different and things can look pretty messed up. With this update, the UI should look pretty much the same at supported resolution. I have been building up a list of supported resolutions, including [url=]the most commonly used desktop resolutions[/url], some less common resolutions I've seen used, 4k just for fun and [url=]a bunch of iOS device resolutions[/url] for a future mobile release. In addition to making everything scale better, this change cleans up a lot of these menus to have more consistent headers and text, and better button size and positioning. Thanks,  Chani. ---------- 20190521 * redesign UI for consistent display at all supported resolutions * performance update for maze tile components See blog post for more details & images: