Rebots Update - Winter Steam Games Festival Hotfix #4


Rebots is a first-person automation game with an expansive universe to explore. Using intelligent(ish) rebots, you can gather resources, terraform planets, and scan all of the things. Traverse the galaxy in the name of space capitalism!

Even though the Winter Steam Games Festival is over, we have another fix before continuing the work producing new content for Rebots. This one is hopefully going to help new and experienced players alike. [h1]New Feature[/h1] Added 2 new UI elements when the different tools are equipped to help players understand what kind of interactions are possible: [b]Tool Description UI (bottom left of the screen) shows information about selected items:[/b] [list] [*] Logistics tool: Shows the name and type of the currently selected Rebot [*] Scanner tool: Shows the icon of the currently scanned entity (supervisor, resource, resource spawner, critters) [/list] [b]Tool Action UI (bottom right of the screen) shows possible interaction possibilities with each tool:[/b] [list] [*] Logistics tool: Dynamically shows the controls depending if 1) nothing is selected, 2) the body of a supervisor (or worker) is selected or the 3) head of a supervisor is selected. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37967128/6340d6f3c484d4b65efd87deeb20dee9ee1f3be3.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37967128/3c9e5c7f16353da1a176d32a34b08c1456052d30.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37967128/af0b13daf25d3ad3b8ab93e4638ff51fed8dff03.png[/img] [*] Crew tool: 1) spawn selected Rebot and 2) open crew wheel [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37967128/905080e03507ce90422de08d4fb1353b747cf1ce.png[/img] [*] Scanner tool: 1) scan the object and 2) deselect the scanning [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37967128/bf523d138b77ac65f3886b11f629357d0d2ef36c.png[/img] [/list] [h1]Improvements & Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Extended the tutorial module for scanning to better teach different things that are scannable [*] Limited the climaforming objective completing before the player spawns the extra workers [*] Suppress any tools until Sybastian gives them to the player in the beginning of the tutorial [*] Increased the radius of the spacebus landing zone slightly on generated planets to ensure the recycling area is flat [*] Updated the 2D visuals for Sybastian when you are in a conversation with him or when he is giving you an objective [*] Fixed a bug where the pickup supervisor could not be spawned near the edges of the highlighted area in the first tutorial level [*] Fixed a bug where the woolyphant and suckafly would stop animating on the main menu screen [/list] Enjoy and let us know what you think here on the Steam Forum or on our [url=]Discord Server[/url]. Rebots Devs / @FlatPonies