Hello Adventurers!
It's time for the first update to the game! Based on a lot of your feedback in discussions and over on the Discord a bunch of tiny balancing and gameplay tweaks have been made and a few bug fixes here and there are solved in this update.
BUT! The dungeon also received a host of new inhabitants, new creatures, new enemies, and some of the existing enemies and bosses learned a few new attack patterns and skills .. so be ware!
You'll run into the Summoner, who will be summoning a bunch of creatures and won't stop until you kill him! Also say hi to Blobby : he looks happy and cute, but looks can be deceiving !
[h3]Key changes in this update:[/h3]
- Weapon evolutions at higher levels will create a higher-level evolution (never more than 2 levels below the weapon you are evolving). So you can still evolve a level 6 arrow into something new, and not worry about it becoming a level 1 Evolution, it will be a level 4 evolution! (and Evolution weapons are stronger than the base weapon by nature).
- You now have a max-amount of heart containers available to fill from the start. So you start with 3 hearts, and you have a max of 6 heart containers. BUT you can find a Gold heart to increase the maximum amount during your run!
- And the only real big bug is now fixed, some players were "randomly" losing weapons at later levels of the game. This is now resolved!
[h3]What's next[/h3]
Next on my plan is to add more "NPC" like areas, comparable to the monk. Already got a few interesting ideas for that, and the aim is to add alternate dungeon area's for special items or weapons.
I also plan on designing some Character-specific weapons that can only be unlocked and used by a specific class.
If you got ideas, don't be shy and come hang out on the [url=https://discord.gg/orangepixel]Orangepixel Discord[/url], and I'll see you there!
Full changes list:
[*]added: Codex-Statistics now opened after a run
[*]added: Heart-container limit
[*]added: Gold heart - increases Heart-container limit
[*]added: Forged-cards now always visible on start of new game
[*]added: Last-Run statistics to Codex
[*]added: Item: Wings of Perseverance, Elven Stone, Orbus Magicus, Valkyrie Helmet, Liquid Haste, TrueHeart, Arrow of Time, Ooze Rage
[*]added: New monsters: Mimic, Summoner, Blobby, Cocoon, Shielded Skullies, Imp XL, Skull XL, Bat Buff, Imp Buff, Flame Buff
[*]added: Increased Temporal Chest pool, so no "return" of items
[*]added: max "Dungeon" for each character to Codex page
[*]changed: Balancing tweaks
[*]changed: Balanced Wizard, lower Magic starting level and longer cooldown on Dodge move
[*]changed: Shooting critters have better reach and stand still for the shot
[*]changed: Chef's Cap only triggers if at 50% or less HP
[*]changed: ToFu now protected against attacks outside his circle
[*]changed: Random critter spawns now take into account player's location
[*]changed: increased chance of a Monk
[*]changed: lowered effect of the Blood Drip (forged card) to 1hp per 15 seconds instead of 1hp per second
[*]changed: Evolution weapons never more than 2 levels lower than the origin weapon
[*]changed: lowered requirements for RichyRich achievement
[*]changed: double powerup items (Chefs cap) now correctly increase usage count
[*]fixed: Temporal Chest bugging out in later dungeons
[*]fixed: added extra checks for creatures spawning inside statues
[*]fixed: D6 always gives health, no other items
[*]fixed: Stats losses isn't updated correctly
[*]fixed: Dutch language credits color highlight is wrong
[*]fixed: Block "map"+compass when player is already moving to next dungeon
[*]fixed: Crash on level-up when "no option" is selected
[*]fixed: cheat-way to play as locked characters
[*]fixed: Statusbars on "jumping" creatures doesn't move up with them
[*]fixed: Some "single drop" items were dropping at later dungeons
[*]fixed: some Evolved weapons didn't level up according to Book items
[*]fixed: weapons disappearing later in the game
[*]fixed: Only one Rune of Fire shows up when multiple mounted
[*]fixed: Item info-box in shops sometimes not big enough
[*]fixed: Using Panic button in Boss room, generates different Boss
[*]fixed: Some rooms spawn 2 statues when returning to it
[*]fixed: Union weapon removes both slots next to the "new union" slot
[*]fixed: Valkyrie helmet has no information
[*]fixed: unlocking x2 and x4 XP and 6hearts runes
[*]fixed: ToFu energy bar is always very low
[*]fixed: Certain monster kills weren't registered in Codex
[*]fixed: Codex weapon info resetting