Beta 1.3.0: The Dark Woods

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43869594/a88e2555cebba0b316bd3db64c5e045d63fdd76c.jpg[/img] Adventurous Dungeon Dwellers, beta 1.3.0 is here! [b]For access to the Beta Branch:[/b] 1. Select the game in your steam library, right click and select Properties 2. Go to Beta's and at the top right drop-down box, select the Beta version! [h2]New content[/h2] - The Black Smith (modify the weapons in your Gauntlet) - First of the new realms: The Dark Woods - First Friendlies - they help you on your adventure! - New achievements [h2]Beta test[/h2] I hope to have this up and live for everyone pretty soon, but it wouldn't hurt if some of you brave adventurers could help me check out this version first to see if there are any bugs in there! The main points of testing are: The Blacksmith, see if you encounter him and if he actually helps you out and not destroy your Gauntlet or even crash the game (never know!) Also, find the entrance to the Dark Woods, and defeat the King Stout end-boss, think he's interesting enough to fight against, and he should ALWAYS spawn the same item.. you'll understand it when you see it. If you run into any other weird things, let me know.. I'm fairly confident there aren't much weird bugs introduced and if there are, they should really be in the new things like the black smith, the friendlies and the dark woods. [h3]Launching in...[/h3] I'll run some test, and I kinda hope to be launching this into full release within a week, but any beta feedback on this would be appreciated!