Hello Adventurers!
I'm working towards the [b]v1.2.0 update[/b] which will be mostly a balancing and difficulty update.
Had a lot of reports that people breezed through the game (but not everybody luckily!) and most people found the Wizard a bit over powering. Now I originally designed it that way on purpose, and that's the reason both the Elf van Wizard are unlocked at the start as they provide a somewhat different experience!
However, I hear ya! so in v1.2.0 there will be a proper difficulty-select, adding an Easy, Normal and Hard mode (old difficulty would be somewhere between Easy and Normal) and I'm rebalancing some other things to make the game more challenging at the start, and more fair at the end!
[b]For access to the Beta Branch:[/b]
1. Select the game in your steam library, right click and select Properties
2. Go to Beta's and at the top right drop-down box, select the Beta version!
(don't worry: you can always disable this and go back to the non-buggy official release in case of problems)
I'm still heavily tweaking these difficulties, which takes a bunch of time as it requires me to do a lot of playthroughs ! And this is where you can help me out, activate the Beta 1.2.0 branch on Steam and give it some play-sessions.. then let me know if it feels right in your preferred difficulty - preferably you let me know over on [url=https://discord.gg/orangepixel]the Orangepixel Discord[/url] where I have a Gauntlet of Power channel setup for this.
The beta version will receive a bunch of tiny updates very rapidly until I get it right and am ready for a release hopefully within a few weeks from now.
There's also a few new features in v1.2.0 and a few others I'm working on before it releases, so look out for those changes also ;)
- Pascal