Dungeon dwellers: Welcome to patch v1.3.0 !
[h1]New Content:[/h1]
- Hidden realm: Dark Woods
- The Black Smith
- Friendlies
- New Achievements
Go grab the new version and see if you can find the entrance to the Dark Woods, unlock the new achievements, and make some new friends!
[h1]What's Next:[/h1]
With the first alternate realm added to the game, it's also the ground work done for more of those. I have a few ideas that will slowly drip into the game over the next few updates. This version also adds all the things needed to add various Friendlies, the first friendlies are simply helping you in your attacks, but it would be cool to also have some Friendlies that maybe collect the loot for you, or maybe defend you?
I also have plans to add a new unlockable character to the mix, which will use the Knife as the base weapon, so stay tuned for that one!
And finally, high on my list, is a change to the weapons. Right now all weapons fire at the same fire-rate, which is nice, but it would be pretty interesting if not all weapons have the same fire-rate! That would add some extra tactical decisions on what you mount and where you mount it.
It will also open up the game to add a couple of items to increase fire-rate on a weapon or specific type of weapons. The downside is that I need to do a lot of balancing tests after I make some of those changes happen! And that usually takes a lot of gameplay sessions and time. I'll try to have a BETA branch setup for that once I'm ready, and hopefully you can help me out testing it!
[b]Full changes list[/b]
[*]fixed: Fairy Crown appears in shop
[*]fixed: Dice changes in shop are not permanent (return to shop and they are reset)
[*]fixed: achievement progress for biologist and collector was not showing correctly
[*]added: new achievements for each character and difficulty mode
[*]added: achievement for Pill Tester
[*]added: Black Smith
[*]added: Black Smith: Unmount option
[*]added: Black Smith: Swap weapon options
[*]added: Black Smith: Repair/Fix weapon option
[*]added: new Wood critters
[*]added: Dark wood area
[*]added: boss: King Stout
[*]added: Friendlies - Fairy
[*]added: Item - Fairy Crown
[*]added: Realm names to Dungeon progress bar
[*]added: Blacksmith: Move option
[*]changed: "Doctor" rooms now folded into "Specialist" rooms (can be BlackSmith + )
[*]changed: Slightly lower HP on Rogue Skully
[*]changed: Small increase in Mimic spawn rate