Dungeon dwellers: Welcome to patch v1.2.0 !
[h1]New Content:[/h1]
- Choose from three difficulty modes
- More room layout variations
- A "Doctor" with a lot of interesting pills!
- 2 new weapons
- Combat stats on map screen (activate in Options > Preferences)
- Fixed Steam cloud save for Linux
Besides those, I also did a lot of balancing and difficulty tweaks and improvements to this build, added a few new "things" you'll encounter in dungeon rooms, and fixed a host of tiny and rare issues.
[h1]What's Next:[/h1]
For the next update I'll be focussing on "alternate areas" that you can uncover. So let's say you get to push one of those statues at a certain room in a certain level, and it then reveals an opening towards a new special area where you can find an extremely rare item only found in that area?!
Or perhaps you find a "charger" which is needed to operate a Hypergate and gets you in a Space Grunts level to grab a futuristic weapon, opening up all sorts of new combo's and unions? .. I got some ideas here!
Besides that I'm also beta testing the Nintendo Switch version, still some things to fix there and then it takes a few months to get it all setup for a release on Nintendo's platform, but it will launch with the latest updates! Same goes for an Atari VCS release!
I'd also like to thank all the lovely reviews and comments and feedback I'm getting! Don't forget you are always welcome to hang out on [url=https://discord.gg/orangepixel]The Orangepixel Discord[/url] and talk about the game, give your thoughts and ideas and who knows, they might make it into the next update!
If you really like the game and want to support me some more, I got some cool Gauntlet of Power mousepads available over on [url=https://orangepixel.net/merch/]the Orangepixel website[/url] if you're interested!
[b]Full changes list[/b]
[*]fixed: Codex totals on main-screen aren't correct (does achievement unlock?)
[*]fixed: Floorswitch doesn't keep room doors closed
[*]fixed: Floor switches are reset when resetting the room
[*]fixed: Final-boss progress-dots don't reset on a new game
[*]fixed: Cap'n'bones knife should hammer down more often
[*]fixed: Mimic shows interaction info even when not visible
[*]fixed: Steam Cloud-save
[*]fixed: Difficulty not shown in character art
[*]fixed: Hit count blinking not showing
[*]fixed: missing shadow on player
[*]fixed: Forged card Heart didn't unlock when King Loot said it would
[*]fixed: Floor spikes are not restored when reentering a room
[*]fixed: Monk room has obstacles when returning to it
[*]fixed: Using Compass doesn't store room state
[*]fixed: Cocoon die animation sometimes stalls
[*]fixed: Cocoon sometimes bugs out when destroyed
[*]fixed: Room-switches keep respawning when re-entering room
[*]fixed: Forged Card Dungeon Love now properly restores 1 heart on next level
[*]changed: Block XXL creatures from spawning in small rooms
[*]changed: less chance of empty-corridor rooms
[*]changed: small changes in player-collision box
[*]changed: Quick-restart after death now shows character select first
[*]added: Doctor Pill
[*]added: pill effect Tripping (reversed controls)
[*]added: pill effect Invisible
[*]added: pill effect Upper (+HP)
[*]added: pill effect Downer (-HP)
[*]added: pill effect Knowledge (+XP)
[*]added: pill effect Dumber (-XP and -1 Level)
[*]added: pill effect Energizer (full HP)
[*]added: pill effect Placebo ( )
[*]added: "Killed by" stat for last run
[*]added: show "hitpoint per heart" stat on map screen
[*]added: Weapon Wild Fury (Union)
[*]added: Weapon Ryzor (Union)
[*]added: Extra stats to map screen (Options > Preferences to turn it on)
[*]added: Option to turn on/off Statistics on map screen
[*]added: Make cocoon spawn more critters
[*]added: Difficulty select
[*]added: cobwebs - slow down player
[*]added: Floor switches mechanics
[*]added: Floor-switch room layouts
[*]added: room variations
[*]balancing: wizard dodge/slowmo slightly shorter
[*]balancing: lowered wizard initial loot-magnet attraction
[*]balancing: slight increase in critter hp
[*]balancing: small change in player XP increase levels
[*]balancing: small change in Wizard + Warrior initial movement speed
[*]balancing: Made Bouncy Blob a bit weaker (especially in later levels)