Patch 1.2.0 : Choose your poison

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43869594/965672726dd985a490f70b99ed20bbc3c6bd55c7.png[/img] Dungeon dwellers: Welcome to patch v1.2.0 ! [h1]New Content:[/h1] - Choose from three difficulty modes - More room layout variations - A "Doctor" with a lot of interesting pills! - 2 new weapons - Combat stats on map screen (activate in Options > Preferences) - Fixed Steam cloud save for Linux Besides those, I also did a lot of balancing and difficulty tweaks and improvements to this build, added a few new "things" you'll encounter in dungeon rooms, and fixed a host of tiny and rare issues. [h1]What's Next:[/h1] For the next update I'll be focussing on "alternate areas" that you can uncover. So let's say you get to push one of those statues at a certain room in a certain level, and it then reveals an opening towards a new special area where you can find an extremely rare item only found in that area?! Or perhaps you find a "charger" which is needed to operate a Hypergate and gets you in a Space Grunts level to grab a futuristic weapon, opening up all sorts of new combo's and unions? .. I got some ideas here! Besides that I'm also beta testing the Nintendo Switch version, still some things to fix there and then it takes a few months to get it all setup for a release on Nintendo's platform, but it will launch with the latest updates! Same goes for an Atari VCS release! [h1]Thanks![/h1] I'd also like to thank all the lovely reviews and comments and feedback I'm getting! Don't forget you are always welcome to hang out on [url=]The Orangepixel Discord[/url] and talk about the game, give your thoughts and ideas and who knows, they might make it into the next update! [h2]Merch!?[/h2] If you really like the game and want to support me some more, I got some cool Gauntlet of Power mousepads available over on [url=]the Orangepixel website[/url] if you're interested! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43869594/f979e712ac537451196a6f0db1edad6c50f456ae.jpg[/img] -- [b]Full changes list[/b] [list] [*]fixed: Codex totals on main-screen aren't correct (does achievement unlock?) [*]fixed: Floorswitch doesn't keep room doors closed [*]fixed: Floor switches are reset when resetting the room [*]fixed: Final-boss progress-dots don't reset on a new game [*]fixed: Cap'n'bones knife should hammer down more often [*]fixed: Mimic shows interaction info even when not visible [*]fixed: Steam Cloud-save [*]fixed: Difficulty not shown in character art [*]fixed: Hit count blinking not showing [*]fixed: missing shadow on player [*]fixed: Forged card Heart didn't unlock when King Loot said it would [*]fixed: Floor spikes are not restored when reentering a room [*]fixed: Monk room has obstacles when returning to it [*]fixed: Using Compass doesn't store room state [*]fixed: Cocoon die animation sometimes stalls [*]fixed: Cocoon sometimes bugs out when destroyed [*]fixed: Room-switches keep respawning when re-entering room [*]fixed: Forged Card Dungeon Love now properly restores 1 heart on next level [*]changed: Block XXL creatures from spawning in small rooms [*]changed: less chance of empty-corridor rooms [*]changed: small changes in player-collision box [*]changed: Quick-restart after death now shows character select first [*]added: Doctor Pill [*]added: pill effect Tripping (reversed controls) [*]added: pill effect Invisible [*]added: pill effect Upper (+HP) [*]added: pill effect Downer (-HP) [*]added: pill effect Knowledge (+XP) [*]added: pill effect Dumber (-XP and -1 Level) [*]added: pill effect Energizer (full HP) [*]added: pill effect Placebo ( ) [*]added: "Killed by" stat for last run [*]added: show "hitpoint per heart" stat on map screen [*]added: Weapon Wild Fury (Union) [*]added: Weapon Ryzor (Union) [*]added: Extra stats to map screen (Options > Preferences to turn it on) [*]added: Option to turn on/off Statistics on map screen [*]added: Make cocoon spawn more critters [*]added: Difficulty select [*]added: cobwebs - slow down player [*]added: Floor switches mechanics [*]added: Floor-switch room layouts [*]added: room variations [*]balancing: wizard dodge/slowmo slightly shorter [*]balancing: lowered wizard initial loot-magnet attraction [*]balancing: slight increase in critter hp [*]balancing: small change in player XP increase levels [*]balancing: small change in Wizard + Warrior initial movement speed [*]balancing: Made Bouncy Blob a bit weaker (especially in later levels) [/list]