PVP Alpha Update 7

Tales & Tactics

Roguelike Squad-based Autobattler in a Tabletop RPG setting. Draft your army, carefully equip and position your units, make important choices, and meet a colorful cast of characters as you make ready for the Grand Tournament.

Fixed an issue where many triggered effects that were self-targeted (such as On Survived Combat) stopped working a few hotfixes ago. Reworded Horror's effect to be more clear on the fact that only your Horrors are affected by the damage bonus and immune to the stun. And made it more thematic! Fixed an issue where, if you started another run immediately after unlocking the Bonus Traits unlock, that exact run would not choose bonus traits to enable for the run. Fixed an issue where ESC would not close the pause menu if you've opened one of the settings submenus within the pause menu. Fixed an issue where text in the Tutorial could be barely clipped on the rightmost side in some resolutions such as ultrawide. Added tooltips to the Compendium Unit Filters to better explain what they do. The Bonus Legend filter is now off by default. Fixed Compendium Unit filter UI clicks only having color while unclicked and being plain white when clicked. Fixed summoned Flash's spawning on their back and staying there not animating. Bounties can no longer be used in the Tournament or the room before it, due to all rewards being nullified. This is a temporary solution until our planned Tournament rework, where the final room will clearly be one room with a "gauntlet fight" instead of 3 distinct rooms. Added a potential fix for a report with the Teak code Flamingo unit that could cause it to not return from the spectate area after combat. Fixed Focus Fire/Focused Down DM warnings pretty much always triggering. Fixed an uncommon issue where the Difficulty Selection UI wouldn't scroll to the default selection option when first revealed. Fixed the alert that draws you to the Patch Notes screen triggering on hotfix patches. It now only triggers on major game updates. Fixed the Bug Reporter rendering underneath Patch Notes, Settings, and "Are You Sure" confirmation screens. Fixed the Patch Notes being formatted oddly in a very specifically sized box. Now fills the screen more adequately on any resolution. Fixed units standing on top of each other in battle when Skeletons revived. Fixed Gale flying off the screen briefly if her target died while she was in-flight. Fixed all terrain tokens not appearing since Hotfix 6.