UPDATE v1.1.0

False Dream

You find yourself trapped in a dream. If you capture anomalies in the dream with a camera, you might be able to escape.

I updated to v1.1.0. [list] [*] Disabled Nanite (due to suspected crash issues). [*] Adjusted brightness (reduced it a bit as it was too bright). [*] As a measure against motion sickness, you can now display a dot in the center of the screen (configurable in the settings). [/list] - Anomalies (Spoiler Alert) [list] [*]Improved effects after capturing the suitcase to make them more noticeable. [*]Improved effects after capturing the refrigerator to make them more noticeable. [*]Changed Cue-chan's voice tone. [*]Added Cue-chan's lines (to clarify the rules). [/list]