[PATREON] We need you (in Patreon) for 1.10.0!

RPG Paper Maker

RPG Paper Maker is a game making engine, free for non commercial use, allowing you to create a 3D universe with many 2D sprites and even 3D objects using a simple interface for all available platforms: Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

The 1.9.0 development is now starting, in the meantime, let's reach the 1.10.0 goal on Patreon! We are currently at 34% of the $1200 goal! Note that you can also donate on PayPal if you want to use Euros. [h3]Patreon donations[/h3] 5% fees. (+VAT for you depending on your country) You can give an amount for each months as if you were my patron. There are some rewards for donations, like discord roles, or free steam keys. [url=https://www.patreon.com/rpgpapermaker][img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/560c1d39e4b0b4fae0c9cf2a/1567548955044-WVD994WZP76EWF15T0L3/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kJmBzLZdmJSJSkqLzys5o4tZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWEtT5uBSRWt4vQZAgTJucoTqqXjS3CfNDSuuf31e0tVHhgAiQuGK0wj0RcaAZqvUVLlLJefF9IHzGGHKuNXreiJu3E9Ef3XsXP1C_826c-iU/Patreon+Button.png[/img][/url] [h3]Paypal donation [EUROS ONLY][/h3] ~5% fees. This is the best solution if you initially want to pay in Euros! Have a look on the Patreon page here to see the advantages you can get. When doing a one time donation, the donation will be considered for the current month. You can ask for another repartition of the amount at [url=Wanok.rpm@gmail.com]Wanok.rpm@gmail.com[/url]. [url=https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=CPV3OooCU24-TS9PhF5SwgNtbyyvaUMVq62CS-YKN2yfVwbrm_-0pApUiTSknHUWeNN5MiOo2SLzmZNY]DONATE HERE[/url] Here are the new features that will come for 1.10.0 (3 weeks development): [list] [*] Graphic assets (free) pack complete [*] Default data base with default assets [*] Draw mode: rectangle [*] Statistics: bars draw UI [*] Custom collision for 3D objects [*] Transformation mode translate [*] Transformation mode scale [*] Mode view on editor [*] Improve ingame perfs [*] Tooltips for every options [*] Event command syntax colors [/list]