[NEWS] 1.9.0 release available!

RPG Paper Maker

RPG Paper Maker is a game making engine, free for non commercial use, allowing you to create a 3D universe with many 2D sprites and even 3D objects using a simple interface for all available platforms: Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

[previewyoutube=B0IeWtjphJI;full][/previewyoutube][h1]New features:[/h1][list][*]Mouse controls (ingame)[*]Web browser integration[*]Draw mode pixel (you can draw elements on the exact pixel position of the mouse, when currently it's only drawing on the pointed square)[*]Terrain tag tileset[*]Detections: choose smaller boxes[*]System: initial party members[*]Command change weather (rain, snow, custom particles)[*]Command game over + game over screen[*]Command play a video[*]Hero description[*]Skills messages (ingame battles)[*]Updating default camera properties (distance+vertical angle)[*]Add Cyrillic letters to Default.ttf font[*]Adding a scrollbar for some comboboxes[*]Faceset scaling[*]Add Ukrainian language (beta)[/list][h1]Fixes:[/h1][list][*]Closing a project make engine crash[*]Memory leak with monster troop[/list]